3:15 Experiment Logo

Bil Brown 

Noon: 16 august 1999

She was the first to go
  the journalist thatīs
mouth is a proxy
   why wd you want to write about that?
you wd know
  class from classy... comeon

...just a number of numbers   or a name
   and what is more esoteric
   than finance
look for something to throw out
  ignore something

the guy was cute   accept the call

his mother said keep the head
up nose up chin
watch the skirts
cause that will keep
you poor

   but to worship
  a woman
   in this country
  object of glory   and desire
her feet  walk
paved gold
aura   gold
trelluses   throw petals

  stemed thorns

said it: sometimes she just wouldnīt shut-up

  this was a problem
  her problem (as is like to say in czech)
  desire is forgotten

it was a date
not a discovery  per se

    when guns pointed temple
she was the first to go  out
spoken thinking between the faxes

"the streets were a scene out of the movie Independence day!"

  it could have been a funny story
  if it werenīt  fucked up

  sometimes it takes up to a week
  before the family is notified

  two bodies on the side of a busy intersection

Midnight: 16 august 1999

whereever it is
ignore it

/noir   noc cervené basnik/

ignore it

   the loss isnīt laughing


Queries about the 3:15 Project should be directed to Danika Dinsmore at info@danikadinsmore.com.
Comments or inquiries about the website should be directed to the webmaster at todmccoy@hotmail.com.

© 1999 Danika Dinsmore, Bil Brown