3:15 Experiment Logo

Jeff Carmack

August 8 through August 17

Okay, during this time period I fell off the bandwagon and when I fell, I broke my ass. Actually, I decided to run into the woods, built a shack and raise some pigs,
but it only lasted for a little over a week. 

Metaphorical Translation - I got a soul sucking job as an office clerk.

My friend got me the job where she's a lawyer, Schlotzchy's Corporate headquarters. Due to my lack of funds and apparent common sense, I took it.
I did the commute 45 minutes to 1.5 hours on an eleven mile road thing.
I did the fluorescent lighting in the basement file room thing.
I did the smoking cigarettes outside with the computer geeks thing.
I did the "watch out for that guy, he's the CEO and he's mean" thing.
I did the run down the road and get lunch for ten people thing.
I did it all until roughly just before midnight on the 16th 

whereupon I sat up in my bed, having been comfortably sleeping next to 
my dog, and had a realization that I if didn't get up and drive to a coffee
shop by the name of Mojo's right then, that I would be doomed in ways 
that I didn't want to contemplate.
I drank iced coffee and wrote until 4:21 AM
          (I actually noted the time because my pen sputtered out.) 
(Although, how a pen sputtering out ties into looking at a clock is still a mystery to me)

Then I committed the greatest "professional" sin that there is: 

                    not communicating the fact that I quit.

                    Fuck 'em, they figured it out themselves

and I went swimming with my dog

and shortly thereafter got a job at a gas station. 

Queries about the 3:15 Project should be directed to Danika Dinsmore at info@danikadinsmore.com.
Comments or inquiries about the website should be directed to the webmaster at todmccoy@hotmail.com.

© 1999 Danika Dinsmore, Jeff Carmack