August 7, 9pm
I was so busy I forgot
my head today
I was trying to find
a way to place myself down
in a corner, but not just any
corner, a large one
preferably, and one with
green whistles & pink
tinsel-boas & some medium-sized
furry people with silly silly spots
like a hilarity-dalmation - you know the kind
and oh some more craziness
like a pit bull on laughing gas whoopies.
Hee hee hee.
So now I remember to write, you see?
10:45 pm
with an undertaker's care I prepare
my fitful tanks of emotion
for the upheaval about to infringe
upon their rhythmic resting
and moments of aching song
with the full onslaught of
your carefully orchestrated
ripping out of my heart's plug.