3:15 Experiment Logo

Jen Hofer

20 august          6:15          martha's vineyard

bells & whistles, balls & chains, sweets & sugars,
levitation, leviathans, huckleberries, loss of
memory, loss of vision, court stenographers,

lilies, day lilies, days, dailies, princes, flocks,
linings, organs, pedal pushers, illustrious
critiques & declarations

farther out along the
smaller than previously
made of stone with air
formerly contained pier
gingerly & sadly
windy while fishing
awoke untamable
began to run
arrival in a field of
usurpation aftermath
& this without thinking
jams & preserves
without thinking much less do i waver
or travel vouchers under
a stiff sun
the body circulates freely
in a field of constraint
clothed or unconcerned
first to burst, then to flee
failed remedies or remedies
not sought & an encounter
in a dim clean afternoon
now awaits or dream life unwaveringly curtailed.


Queries about the 3:15 Project should be directed to Danika Dinsmore at info@danikadinsmore.com.
Comments or inquiries about the website should be directed to the webmaster at todmccoy@hotmail.com.

© 1999 Danika Dinsmore, Jen Hofer