5 august 3:15 jersey
street, san francisco (mid-conversation)
dear boatride colder than desired:
unable to ascertain exact temperature. shifty & misuse
de la palabra teeth. "i have a history," she said, &
resumed sweeping. scant panty
lectures, a cardinal entrance, mistakes
for lack of patience, werewithal, cement
bricks. ferris wheel supplements fake
supposition, machismo lures brown bottle glass
broken, how else do we spill our history
pores shelter pervasive (chronic)
earlier in the night available
seen in elastic patterns (chronic
where we left off
persistent (what
does chthonic
as a formal command, jealousy mean)
from the docks an odor of
would not be a joiner (what
does halt)
on a flatbed truck
sensitivity in beige
unidentifiable objectionable crotchety
only so long
agility revered quarterly
no patience
head in the crowd
must understand
how long
feet in the fountain no cash
incited incision decline
head turned
not for sale
do not disturb
failed to arouse
handyman nowhere to be found