August 11/3:15/lc

[Wall of stone. High with regular open spaces in it. "How much are you asking for?" a honeyed voice inquires. You take from your little pockets. "Like this?" you say. Scoop it all out. Now it is a black briefcase. In the briefcase is all your money.  You walk quickly towards the train station]

"The Bosnian women who brought the suit say they have no expectations of collecting. Earlier this year they told the War Crimes Tribunal harrowing accounts of brutal rape and gruesome torture..."  

[ The dream shifts: you are having a casual conversation with E. E is telling you about her recent trip to Monte Carlo: "The place is swarming with people. The apartments are very small, one on top of the other. They don't need so much room, only for tax purposes."]

Throughout the ancient world honey like salt : preserved the bodies of kings

And queens in a safe place: an enclosure: spinning eggs and honey

Pressure is measured thus:

A thousand days they stood in the square in Belgrade, protesting. The Women in Black: all they had, gone to war  

Hooke's Law: In an elastic body the change of shape is proportional  to the stress, the pressure within the limits...

"As a result many of the Bosnian women were utterly ostracized, many of the women killed their babies outright..."  
[Suddenly you sit bolt upright. You look around. No black briefcase. Your eyes fill with tears. "My god," E says. "What's wrong?" ]

: an ancient promise: honey mixed with blood:  a resurrection

unless it is pulled beyond its power of springing back

Interviewing Albanian women refugees fleeing Kosovo, the W.H.O. and UNHCR were able to corroborate over  20, 000 pregnancies among rape victims...

[You run all the way to the railway station, down the ramp. The briefcase is gone: your mouth fills with honey]

You think of J's little book of poems: "My Body Is A War Toy."  

The six sides of everything; in and around us: the six sides of a noise

Swarming , particularly round prey or enemies

A honey jar: all that preserves the 'cold rage of money',  pushes into a woman its fisted coins, sets the curve of the earth on fire:  

24 hours:  

Overnight, through Hungary

A high wall. Behind it the terrible contractions of war, the dulled eyes of young girls, abandoned wives. Behind it the matriarchs scooping clean the hollow below their breasts above their knees  

What lit on the blossom, what invaded the dream

An odd root: bhi = quiver, fear

Many of the Albanian women have been utterly ostracized, many of the women killed their babies outright.

[ Far off a siren. You open your mouth -  a tense hand straddles it, pushes the breath down in you...]

10 x 10,000 nights at least

Much the way some say you can learn a foreign language: at night you let the radio drone on, and in the morning , you are able to recite all the horrific things people have done to each other the night before -

'Her bright shining is never laid to sleep...'

[You shut off the alarm. Behind your eyes light fragments]

Behind your eyes, the bills: what comes due: what war has taken from these women: what people say via explanation: all this, all night, you dream inside the honey jar.