August 31 3:15

Fiery Wheels and
Assorted Sex Rituals:
Your job description.

He writes: I too wonder sometimes what we would see.

Saturday 1 PM : a red and white umbrella awaits you, three hours of talk.
Sunday: see above

You may never sleep again.
You are trying to fix the
Complaints re: correspondence.

  1. H - surrealist opening
  2. M - she left, he came  

Envelope of money : will it be enough?
It will probably not be that simple.

A month of writing in night's bell. Wary at first: I'm in the middle of book-length poem and was a little concerned to lose my concentration - but was in a sense a good vacation - the actual wake-up [or stay-up]  
Eerie at times
Disturbing  re sleep patterns/dreams
Fun to see where and how the ever present radio voice would surface
31 poems
Some good
Some okay
Some whacked
Most out of nowhere surprising
The strange hour often dredged up incidents I had not thought of in a long time or as I happened to have a lot of visitors this month threw me into odd juxtapositions of dialogue and time
The month of scythes is over here on the Vltava river
Upon us

Farewell & Be well to all my companion voices
Laura Conway Prague 1 Zari 2000