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August, 2002
45678 10
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Danika Dinsmore
Evelyn Holloway
Paul Nelson
Andrew Noble
Dawn-Marie Oliver
Paul Smith

On the night of the just what you need
introducing the time she stepped aside
there were dishes lining the counter
soft conversation like music
well-traveled piano as furniture
ivy laced walls          the drive home
was bad radio @ 1 AM the moon
¾ orange          attention
     she could leave now
     everything          cracked windshield
used CD's flannel undergarments
a grassy basketball court
     loved ones left behind
     loved ones left ahead
     the ridiculousness of prayer
cold-blooded          a rock in her shoe
the place she never was
full               not a seesaw not a
milk glass          throw it all
away          this now is all right
be there every time the dinner
burns               knowledge makes
us that kind of sad
she doesn't care any more
she has given up
her daily chores     why does
she even bother to have taste

©2002 the respective poets
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