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August, 2002
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Danika Dinsmore
Evelyn Holloway
Paul Nelson
Andrew Noble
Dawn-Marie Oliver
Paul Smith

Letter 8—August 18, 2002—After Maria Baranda (& Sex & Lucia)

                       They climb giant trees in dreams    You can jump   she
                     said and proves it w/
                   that leap onto the branch of the Douglass Fir out
                 there perhaps Oregon not yet on fire.   It
               was tall  my watch goes backwards  the sun
             always shines here but morning
           light is filtered through Mountain fog.  No fear
         on'her face but a spot on my
       forhead itches
    & a weakness washes over me—an urge to touch earth &
   that means to go down, ensure
a solid grip no
spring in my step   b lood
flowed to my ears/legs do not wish to relinquish their hold
  the dream
   boredom is not an option. In the movie his boredom   (a tale
     of youthful indescretion between
       her thighs   & full moon
        nights by the sea)  ended up in fatherhood & a fatal mauling.

           We don't see it but surmise an innocent 6 yr old was torn up by a Rottweiler we
                for a hug from our little girl   her
                  reality dominated by construction of her new desk
                     the bedroom.  The island in the movie induces
                   vertigo, it floats on the sea, disconnected, full
              of caves, holes through which the protagonist drops to restart
            her story, back in the middle, where the song of the sun's rays may yet enter the
        chamber of her corozon.

Starter phrase from Maria Baranda
in Reversible Monuments, pg 35

Letter 9—Slaughter Dam

Sometimes tests are conducted

Starter phrase from an American Sentence

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