August, 2003 dream: there's a mausoleum here said the Spaniard where my friend's grave used to be. this renovation is the second desecration of her tomb. see here, beneath the mud and the newspapers, where the pictures have been put detailing how we made ourselves small like cannonballs and were shot from the cannon. he proceeded to go on at length in Spanish. I believe he was the one who woke me at 3:15 this evening, on the button. Mary wouldn't let me set the alarm knowing that once her sleep was disturbed, she would not go back down. pills, earplugs, large masks, everything short of a ball peen hammer to keep her asleep at night. not even the willful influence of art could excuse any of it. we nearly fought over it, my need for self trespass. there was a cold shoulder instead, a denial of the usual bedtime customs. it is only reinforcement of what is already known, as if there needs to be more. so I have to thank the Spaniard, even if all I do is complain. we went shopping today, she and I. the Bon Marche had a sale, so did TJ Maxx. I could not keep up. I bought things I needed, she bought things she wanted. earlier there were garage sales, where I found a small food processor and a typewriter. things I wanted, second hand. she bought nothing. those who made themselves small like cannonballs shot themselves across the yard for art for fame had their second moment in a mausoleum with pictures and third as it was torn down.