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August, 2003

3:15/4:15 a.m.          argosy, 2905 elm street


steady is as steady does
(steady money misplaced by the bay
or berth) repeat offenders
eager to explain (no explanation
necessary or narcissistically up
and at 'em) bouncy atoms in
happy jaunty collision 'til the cows
come home and policy makes for slow
enjoyment of a neighborhood's assets
along the gully sloped as the V
which in a young portrait is a bird

we sleep to wake (in this we trust)
abidingly binary except
in dream and dreamy we walk
the track stretching from another era
to our own (not ours and not own
but slippy as sand as dream as
angora) laid with some other form
of transport in mind the different
roosters belching the same call
the different substance not
          different at all

© 2003 by the respective poets