that strange passageway between
move from room to room much as
continental drift brought
common ancestors from abroad
are we back home,
taking the Metro from St Paul
to Gare Montparnasse at dusk?
did those ancestors leave
something behind as well,
something as simple and important
as film in the interdit?
non, sil vouz plais,
no more humanity for me
from Italian dead cats to
Parisian dead dogs
the interdit moves smoothly
brings ideas far more
deadly than fashion,
rougher than high seas,
popular than bread and fromage,
steamier than an accidental
sighting of woman changing
behind opaque window,
grander than the plague,
quieter than Italian resort towns
in morning,
noisier than Paris 72 hours later,
more swift than ideas
striding arm in arm
across the open land.