Where is the beginning to start at? Where is my primal flowering, The bloom of rosy youth The love that created The space I inhabited Seems frozen Gone Never was born of love Borne only the weight of my imperfection The stain of the counted fingers The hushed silence of realization The reality of What I am supposed to atone For What do you think I should tell the snake? Should I hold out for the Whole bushel Or perhaps The variety pack Golden, red, granny, cameos Each a crispy crunch Each an education Waiting to sneak up And then there are the Blueberries The wild stain of your sins made manifestly evident Upon lips and teeth And the twinkle in your eye As you pile whipped cream on your Blueberry waffles Compounding knowledge with Decadence As the white foam slips Almost unnoticed Effortlessly Filling your brain with Light and realization And a certain weightlessness That has nothing to do with Deprivation and Everything to do with Saturation And you saturate me Hands and mouth and Chest - the air I breathe Once in you, now in me As we slowly Begin an orbital dance And pretend not to notice That we feel in the same breath We take in the same air And we give each other the Pleasure That Eve got after she Took that first bite.