Hold me with your heart
open to mine
Give me that mystical,
Magical moment
of love's first breaths
Help me believe again
That a happy childhood is
possible at this late an age
And that you will hold my hand
When the monsters call my name
And ask for my blood
And my flesh
Kiss me unhurriedly
Like there is nothing else in the world
that there is only that magic
As breath mingles
And maybe your soul meets
My mind
And they decide
On an early tea
With a long lingering chat
In a flower-filled meadow
And buttercup china
Sleep with me now
Warm body and breath
Are assuring presence
And a guarantee
of a smile in the morning
With a mug of tea
not far behind.
Pray with me now
As I raise my arms
And eyes and voice
In a wordless chant to the
Powers that be
Asking for the key to
That which is inside me
And the courage to wield
The sword to fight the
Guardians at the gate
Roll with me now
Join the grassy hill
Letting convention and clothing
dissolve like tears
And the warmth of the ocean
The mother's salty tears
Wash away the blood from my
Eyes and the fight I've won
Free of
And watch me give birth to myself
On the sea-foam
Not Venus
Not a name I know now
But a name I will be given
By the sea
In an oyster
And the pearl shall grace my
unashamed navel
And my red red hair
Shall fly as my banner
While my flowers bloom
and my goddess
Gives me her blessing.