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August, 2002
45678 10
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181920 2223 
 26  29 31

Danika Dinsmore
Evelyn Holloway
Tod McCoy
Paul Nelson
Dawn-Marie Oliver
Paul Smith

The time sale the
tired sale the tired
sail the torn sail the
torn soul the torn seal
the tan seal the
tan seam the
ten seam the ten
scene the tent scene
the tent scheme the
tone scheme the tone
stream the word the
night the habit the
thing the thing about
the money jar the foreign
coins 30 minutes on the parking
meter a line at the DOL office
cop w/ a gun (she made a movie
in her head of a massacre scene
then wondered how those
admin alarm bells go off      or no
that's not the hard part, what
is the time limit on
temporary insanity?)

watching from the bridge watching
from the skyscraper from the shore
from across the street

Let's trade places she always says
to the secretary as she leaves
the building each night    OK
the secretary responds

Nigerian women have had it
up to here and threaten
to take their clothes off
Texaco          you have hands
on your hands
     It's just a machine

©2002 the respective poets
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