Have you ever Wandered Cat-faced into a dream? Sleep sliding past your lids Pouring into the cup that The ferryman gives you to drink And you take up the oar of your Dream Wasting away because The fire has gone out in your gut And your pen only marks the Count of the days until your Doom not freedom Sweet release Anchor me in a pool of Insanity just One more tantrum And you're banished Below deck to Forever slave at the Furnace Wishing the tuna and the Surprise were never linked With your name And the haunted Notebook that Records every dirty thought To betray you when you most Desire A hidden fire and The page goes to sleep The ink pools and clots And no one can know And will the caretaker Keep a razor for you To shave off the Shameful ape hair That mars the white Marbled majesty of my massive thighs All we have to do is Bind ourselves to a Kite Big enough to Pull us out of this diary Wer'e trapped in And give us a Lift to a sensible pad of paper And a vat of dragon's-blood ink.