Life seems nothing more Some days Than this great big list of Chores And it's against the rules to Schedule fun and play and love Only duty and work and Cleaning That taskmaster inside my head Scoffs at fun Betrays my desires at every turn And in general Makes life Every child's nightmare Come to life I wish for a fairy godmother To give me permission I wish for a lobotomy to silence The voice I wish for a whole new past But then I couldn't be here wishing And hearing the yowl of My cat - the nightly show of Yowls and racing around the house Miss hearing the odd Noises and twitching Of my love beside me on a Cool summer night The scent of Roses heavy in the air And the memory of Sweet strawberry kisses To bring a secret, silly smile The means took me to this End, they were hard I wish I could erase some But I'd like to keep the end, Please, fairy-godmother Just give me some rose-colored Blinds aligned toward the past, And a hazy pink set of lenses For thinking about tomorrow, And a warm body to snuggle with On this cold night.