scurry humdrum cautionary
Verdi's "Requiem" running through head
throw me on the gas grill
I should be done soon
maybe in Metaxes I wouldn't have
should I start to think about
took the day off from hunting,
worked on my screenplay
priorities mixed up?
seem straight to me
once the thing goes away
once the thing wears off
once we have meaning age
once we're past the blackberries
once caution can again be flung
to wind
once termites cease their operations
once credit is assumed
once flowers are arranged in squares
once in Cyprus
once gas no longer escapes our body
once when all these instances
are added up and plumbed
into the appropriate algebra
even if we must invent it
then we should review our history
through the cannon's gaping
read the score marks
in the iron lining
and really decide
where to point that thing
upstairs danika writes too
hi danika
so does Karen
hi Karen
dreamlike carrier pigeons
fly these thoughts
check on their names
to see if we connected after all
Karen writes about electric bodies
testing the open spirit network
murk(?) there's no place in us
that can be recognized(?)