editions of transmissions
boilings at noon of atomic cats
conspiracy to weaken earth's
geopolitical defense
full moon rises late in the day
showing full yellow bare ass
what could this mean?
let's attach meaning
like drunken schoolkids
amazing how that's not fun anymore
on the phone with C___ today
who is still depressed about
numerous breakups
distracted and not listening
there must be an -olia for it
a woman past 30 unmarried
breadbasketitis thirtybirthlessolia
0 nest syndrome
wish I could help her
but don't know how
beyond a wish
concrete, he says, concrete
what's more beyond the lake
build horses if they're not there
give the reader something to anchor
felines have found alternate homes
damn things go wherever they
find food
don't listen to you
don't listen don't listen