Is anyone out there?
Does someone else feel what
I know as reality,
Or am I just flogging myself
All on my own?
There is this ceiling of dark
One bright travels across the
Point where wall and ceiling meet
But no more
And no less than
The spirit of the sea
Holds that lantern high
No one less than
The shark and turtle a'kua
No less than that which
I would dive into
Swim into the mystery
And I want you to join me
Watery confessional
Where you and I can meet
Free of the constraints that
Fog us to distractions
Of survival and goals
Separateness and hurt
I want to heal the rift
To feel my heart open to yours
To when we meet, mate,
And move in rhythm,
Your heart opens, too
And we sink and
Swoon together.You who would wish to know me
Could taste my aura in the sweet
Part of the tongue
Mouth watering at the marvel
Your ears would hear the
Faint beating of my heart in its vault
Your essence would spread across my skin
Easing the aches, caressing the scars
Seen and unseen
And the Ode to Joy
Would be a glorious ache in our bones
I almost had this
And dream of the reality
that would be
All you have to do
Is believe in me
For the both of us
Until I am ready
To be the one to
Wish my dream into reality.