3:15 Experiment Logo

Albert Flynn DeSilver

8.17.99, noon 

11:56 on the train to New York, the Hudson line- off to have lunch with "mummy" in midtown- the rails have brand new cement ties- they are so pretty with their newly rust stained ends. Yes I am inspired by other writers- like for example when I'm reading other writers- right now I am not reading another writer am not inspired- sometimes not as often I am not the writer inspiring me am just the lone angular wolf licking my apathetic chops- am wondering who the next contestant is as my temporary muse as I am always it and often tired- I wonder if the train feels like a smoother ride for the driver with these new ties- it doesn't feel like a smoother ride for the passenger 

8.17.99, midnight

its actually 12:01 AM on 49th street- Marian is in the shower- I'm sweating here on the edge of the bed its the 17th day of August- humid and warm- not hot but sweaty- Chinese lunch with mom on 57th street- downtown to meet Marian for sneaker purchase of retro Converse from The Yellow Rat Bastard, then a bad film at The Angelika Film Center, called Sabastian Cole something- poor script writing and weak acting- then french dinner and heavy/heavenly conversation with Marian- duck framboise, salmon tartar, oysters, crabcakes, a warm goat cheese over mesclun salad, and for dessert a fig tart with cream custard bottom which was over the top scrumptuous- then a cab home to shower and sweat here at the edge of the bed 


Queries about the 3:15 Project should be directed to Danika Dinsmore at info@danikadinsmore.com.
Comments or inquiries about the website should be directed to the webmaster at todmccoy@hotmail.com.

© 1999 Danika Dinsmore, Albert Flynn DeSilver