3:15 Experiment Logo

Paul Nelson

Twisting Runes


Could be terminal.
Toxic. Could be
implosion. Phoenix
The tarot's
           Death or Wheel
of Fortune.
welcoming a 
horseback skeleton.
At least someone is smiling
The Tower           
in crossfire
of Thor
& the serpent.

Bodies falling

or floating.

Could be woman
could be angel.
Or both.

on her feet. Made
out of meat. Soft.
Tender. Velvet

throbbing, dripping, passionate
meat. Light

at the end of the
tunnel. Or darkness.
Scraping. Pre-millennial
mating and visions
of  the  end  of  time.


Queries about the 3:15 Project should be directed to Danika Dinsmore at info@danikadinsmore.com.
Comments or inquiries about the website should be directed to the webmaster at todmccoy@hotmail.com.

© 1999 Danika Dinsmore, Paul Nelson