3:15 Experiment Logo

Paul Nelson

99 315 30A 

May this feeling last forever.
May the joy be savored
as each summer apricot, every
mango ripened to touch
every tree-ripened stolen plum
as were neighbor raspberries
and that first smile of yours
in my kitchen.

May the animals
have all they need
as comfortable soul companions
in real food, in love
attention, treated
like the ancestors
they are

or will be. Like the totem
animal appearing in a 
                               ceremony (Raven?)
or the deepest sign
of bone-chilling
(Magic, a cliched word,
applies.) Psycho
physiological is what
a Rebel Lion likely'd

The syllables go on
canvas like the paint
they sometimes are.


are a vision
                      in a bright

room, you 
are a
                          candle burning.

May this feeling last forever.
Let it illuminate the
dark days.
Let it beckon certain
futures. Let this
of meat
continue to unveil
its righteous self

while the white
of its soft underbelly
sees the light
of day.

Right action or anyone
of eight paths, simultaneously
to the pathless land.

We all find our way
or not. Some stumble
in some way, or not,
to get there, this field


Gods (Goddesses) with a home
field advantage.

Here in the field
act quick and recognize.
Catch the moving train
of thought.

"To use an old jazz term
he's cooking now."
This is one meat
 stew you 
         want to burn.

This is the conundrum
the illusion.

This feeling, this negative

capability, this holding
 - gratuitous - 
of polarities.
(This a complex system.)

Yet simple @ its
core. Elegant. The
need to be self-
aware relevant,

as breath.

A full breath of lungs
fully experienced.
Release of endorphins.
Drawing breath in

(Ranks are

Restraining impulses.
Gathering information
"If it's boring we've
done our jobs" still
in this moment.

(The same as yesterday
only different. More
amused. Silent. Cooking
to use a jazz term.

Word Jazz
life jazz.

Riffing on a thing
called life. An improvisation,
no lurch, a cat-like
movement - grace,
no sorrow. All specific,
intentional. No regrets

May it last forever
this feeling. May it
dart & squirt, no
residue. May it linger.
Like your presence

after you've left
the room. Like Elvis

leaving the building. A
residue psychic
if you will          citizen.
This is an August
moment, part lazy/part
intellectual, all
organic & permanent
in a sense. (Documented.)



             intention. (A road map
visible, but prone
to vamping.

(Zawinul directing
with elbows
rocking. But something
more elegant than
his Korg,  A
Bill Evans piece
or Miles, maybe
Misterioso but at the same level.)

The vamping, the working
a riff, a vibe,
the ease at which
(Dancers know. Intuit.)


peN #741



Queries about the 3:15 Project should be directed to Danika Dinsmore at info@danikadinsmore.com.
Comments or inquiries about the website should be directed to the webmaster at todmccoy@hotmail.com.

© 1999 Danika Dinsmore, Paul Nelson