3:15 Experiment Logo

Virginia Youngblood

8/5  0745

missed midnight again.  tired
asleep til 4 in the lamplight.
rolling around dreaming confused
clockwatching even
suggested to myself the alarm,
finally complied long after
the unwritten poem and midnight had passed.

beaded detritus of psychological impress
a moment, a nugget, a snippet, a crumb.
mornings flicker on the gables of the house
opposite, more or less humid
fifteen feet over the driveway separates my window
from theirs and last night
people cleaning, putting up shades
new tenants of the same landlord.

very like last summer at this time,
'cept I was on the third floor
and it was of
another house.  lady across the way
discussing testicles in group of
friends.  i held the floor
with the mattress and

it's gray thick and vivid out
sun echoing up the shingle
shadows shifting.

reach in don't stop.  it's to go
unbeknownst further.  calamity
jane and all that.  


8/5   2138  The noon poem, very late

six string silk screen sestina soldier
saranac caraway sonorous
heal, heal
heal, heal


Queries about the 3:15 Project should be directed to Danika Dinsmore at info@danikadinsmore.com.
Comments or inquiries about the website should be directed to the webmaster at todmccoy@hotmail.com.

© 1999 Virginia Youngblood, Danika Dinsmore