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August, 2003

—Was that asparagus lemon verbena
          throat brush

—I am worried people will get up
          and leave

—Well over 40% stayed. This is
above the percentage that usually
see contemporary art.

—Improvisation is risky.  But it's
also true that you get beyond risk.

—He was distracted. How so?
The drummer was distracted by too much bass
     in the sound and left before answering.

Don't jinx my kumbaya with your mango dishrag attitude.
I can tell you'll do nothing but break my heart with
your promise of "see you 'round."

It's a simple molecule.  It can be synthesized, RNA,
then you don't have to use the rabbit.

He bowed cigarette smoke gracious thanks
I breathed her name into the tea.

—More water?
—Did you put your email on the list?
—No snow lion today/—Someday/He nodded gravely

© 2003 by the respective poets