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Aydin Akgun
Jelena Andjelkovic
Valerie Bassett
Danika Dinsmore
Eileen Fix
Jen Hofer
Evelyn Holloway
Nathan Horowitz
Bernadette Mayer
Tod McCoy
Paul Nelson
Andrew Noble
Dawn-Marie Oliver
Heidelinde Trimmel
Marie Warsh

Welcome new readers and new participants. This year we’re hearing from Aydin Akgun, Jelena Andjelkovic, Valerie Bassett, Eileen Fix, Nathan Horowitz, Heidelinde Trimmel, and Marie Warsh for the first time. We love new voices, it keeps it new.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the “others who also wrote on this day” feature… it’s interesting to discover the similarities in the work.

Comments about the website? Talk to Dr. McCoy: todmccoy@hotmail.com
Comments about the experiment? Talk to Danika: info@danikadinsmore.com
Complaints about your life? Talk to your therapist.

© 2003 by the respective poets