3:15 Experiment Logo

Virginia Youngblood

8/14 afternoon

That This Machine Should Destroy Us

O white Europeans
technofriction in the leaping heart
faster higher freer on the roof
tops of the world: what houses
inhabited, indoor eyes
casting stonily

but - why O white Europeans
whatever your heritage, whoever you are
jumping in these prison cels
inner light in an inner hall of mirrors
O Christian self-reflexivity
O unboxy boxes of boxes
and the boxy ones too!

O idiots twitching at the inner twinge
this thingbuilt pusher-forward of
high-upping loopchaining nopast myfuture
O armored people gearing up as gears
O cogs O cogitation O cognoscenti

what allows us this motion, donchaknow?
The behind air-bubble of knowing
perfectly well
that this machine should destroy us:
knowledge shoved back like rocket-boosters
burning wretchedly hot+fast as we
o-no(ha ha) and flee forward - what a reason
this selfinflicted selfmade brutality                              (ha ha)

O and how it keeps going, O
white Europeans, whatever your heritage,
whoever you are, sin call it sin
call it   n
sin again those forces forcing forcing

and O-look what is the chewy center
of these us people colonizing them colonizing us
through them all this chewy chewy chewing colonizing
us us us backhere getback homehome O the fear

that this machine should destroy us


Queries about the 3:15 Project should be directed to Danika Dinsmore at info@danikadinsmore.com.
Comments or inquiries about the website should be directed to the webmaster at todmccoy@hotmail.com.

© 1999 Virginia Youngblood, Danika Dinsmore