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August, 2003

ignorance breeds greed
greed breeds anger
anger breeds ignorance
ignorance breeds greed

the black hole of false knowledge
  worse than a clean bare nothingness by hundred times
feeds a jungle of phantoms of truth
  grown by fantasy and hardened by fear until accepted as true

these false images lead to a distorted mind
create desires beyond reason, craving that petrifies the heart

that blinds and has no chance than end in bitter anger
  a desperate silent cry
that may burst out or poison the depth of body and soul

and then this tormented being
  filled with anxiety, a desire still burning and unspoken rage
is caught in its irrational thoughts
  unable to leave the yet thought path
  unable to step on no chance's ground
  unable to delete the selfmade ghost
and start anew
and anew

until reason or heart found a way

© 2003 by the respective poets