Letter 16 Pat Out What Smolders
Unexpected fire
gifts from above
that sear & rearrange &
live in
the skull & body
memory red & dwelling
moments that etch history as we
in sanity
acquiesced the mark of fire in
our belly
breathing flame like orange
days when survival is maintaining the blur gravity
weighs more
heavily on those chosen by the
on the 7th day.
Me just a correspondent or
haunted guinea pig
free but wriggling looking for an escape
of blood fire - the wanton burn seared meat flesh memory
others shy from
the regular linear process - a landslide - a forest fire - an
evening meat burn
ceremony unintended. Flames lick higher
for the oxygen they crave
you mouth agape & nervous
w/ unexpected level of
astonishment - paralyzed by this slow
lightening show. No one expected this summer excursion into
& the arena of Zeus
rain of hell-fire storming the flesh tattooed & smoldering.
Gusts dont happen in Slaughter August unless those
wind are flame-induced when the crackle of limbs burning
brings the forest down upon
your expectations. This is no way to waste energy the World
card suggests change or a voyage
& if this is the tempering you may keep
our passport a near-fatal
collaboration of the elements
almost not worth what it takes to
a hellish fire-storm rebirth
in the
year of the Ram
old man time to swallow again & pat out what smolders.
4:14AM - 8.16.03
(Phrases taken from Joanne Kyger
June 26 (For Ted Berrigan)
from As Ever - pg 226)