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August, 2003

April 26 Corpse

Letter 17 – Death From the East



Listen to the beeping.    Not a truck in reverse this is

to wake

the poem out of its

subtle slumber

and carve its


words  onto the tabularasa.

That dream of working Sundays @ ‘XRT can


to an end.   It’s all

you now   not Bobby Skafish who you may be




The beeping marks the

death of another night.  The Knight of Swords


indicates  a  desire  to  charge  ahead

change what is weak  - what ain’t working –

Death from the east

overlooks the flesh still clinging to the bone


one has the balls to let fall off & rot in

to the next world  yet to do so is to






Not September when Mars crawls out of the sky to clear

a path for the Harvest Moon to shine on the valley where

truck farms once left bean fields in Slaughter   we’re

in August.  Life in

reverse   where the commerce takes the back seat to

this ritual in community & sleep-deprivation

is depraved the root?   or

to deprive an editor his mind    to

wake w/o thinking


poem  from deep in the cave    coax

out a bit of chaos   a personal mythology

of longing for union twisted into

its bastard cousin   lust      but the soul’s

subtle imagery   morning star as a rider on fire out of

slumber chasing the night away

and making its mark to

carve the bones of

its heartsong into


words that somehow make some sense sometime later.

Onto the page  bone white & receptive

the bullet to the back of the dream head uncommitted   another

tabularasa to begin anew.



8:38AM - 8.17.03

(Phrases in I  taken from Ralph Blum –

The Book of Runes. From II taken from the 2nd sentence of I.)

© 2003 by the respective poets