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August, 2003

April 26 Corpse

Letter 20 – Mechanic of Memory


His mailbox opened & out came a

memory of camp. A post card two cards.

Was this

the end of his daughter’s childhood?

Most of the memories this day similar    a

psychedelic flashback into the African

salon of consciousness


the woods @ 5000 feet   in a

region of the park he could not get lost.


A main exception.   A

poet lost in memory

is a dead man    yet

a wise man says we’re lost in

time   always in past tense    a

mechanic of memory

not in the present   but more like


embalmer   of the moment just passed



7:27AM - 8.20.03

(Phrases taken from Amalio Madueno and Jack Spicer.)

© 2003 by the respective poets