Letter 21 – All That Dead Skin
Why does the urge overtake & result in a life
did the term rattled nervous
vibrato carry any significance for you?
We flame from the undersides &
fall into a heaping quiver
unable to recognize dawn.
Why skin when the shedding of it is terror – when
did the burning of it become
commonplace & replace black Labs
we think reason – 29 years of
coping spurting out a smiling hole we
fight she says to recognize
our essence.
Why August & this particular Slaughter of hay
& slow burning gardens
did the game become too
I seek to birth myself & swirl w/ the starlings
but don’t even
get the feathers to fix the
altar or alter the white bones & place
in (or next to) the path leads
out of
the shards of shiny white
window glass the
way it shatters - I’m
of the speed & the
nerves &
a path back to sand &
surrender I hit the
floor w/ such force & won’t
I made a rhyme of skin & Slaughter but only
wanted a memorable sestina or a golf game or
to freeze my little girl’s
escape into womanhood or
make at least a memory of slow
August clouds next to
a snow-topped mountain the
elk traverses a
shirt out
of ether to wear as only a new
presence would allow.
It all
seemed so simple & every day
another gate
my head crashes into my own endless web I’m wedded to a
sense of danger (a dancer) the
ground sinking below the chop chop
of a military helicopter all green & brown & broken
language is no way to solve
this -
become my only recourse but it’s me who’s bleeding.
8:53AM - 8.21.03
(Phrases taken from Dan
Raphael Concerned With the Impact.)