Letter Five – I Seek to Birth Myself –
(After Milk by E. Myles)
The alarm. The nostalgia for
darkness. The
people relegated to the underside
of the mechanism
in this town called
Like the beeping of trucks
a respect for paperwork and conformity
tiny is as tiny does keeps that
chain going
gang up on non-believers. Blow-dried parks
are a symptom
connected. Am I the weakest link
their drama to perpetuate the
collective false self?
Knowing this does not give the porpoise more water
and the orange-shafted flicker
more air space for
their ascent. All in the name of the unmentionable
one would-be pilgrim after
another to die a slow painful
respectable stoic parlor-friendly death.
The middle of the night is not
morning no matter what they tell
you unless you write long enough your
trucks have a
growl about them no cat disavows.
Oh August Slaughter
save the multi-hued and lazy
Slaughter sunset for
me! Save me
from my descent into skin or
myself w/o the parasite of
If I can hold out until the next candle
inside is a brutal flower ready
for explosion.
I seek to birth myself & yet I
only O.D. I seek to birth myself & only
3:26AM - 8.05.03