August, 2003 4 a.m. airstream argosy, 2905 elm street, los angeles divided in two or more constituent parts
the formerly faithful hen pecks erratically, asking no questions. the sound of metal on metal (on air). a willingness to recede. happenstance retreats exposing daily life like lichen, dormant, attached, unquestioning. rote tread mutters meanly. the edge of ability dulling scissors-like with dual persuasion. rote tread mutters amber falling meanly swept away gathering dust reins one-handed portioned sincerity i'm a fool wholeheartedly beneath a canopy of trees chopping fitful the futuristic sky sold in portioned lots as thought curls testily there are reasons we do not know hidden in familiarity revving a beautiful engine the rebuilt light pools at the top of the corrugated fence.