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August, 2003

3:15 a.m.     argosy, 2905 elm street

confab, dagnabit

photographic realization haunts the lack as already we did not do x so to compound the fracture simply walk through the days automatically not hardened to the thorny closure of possibility and superfluous coincidence rather indifferent or distracted as an animal kept at a zoo not dead just joyless

a tiny drop of water marks the beginning of the secession of things slow erosion circumstance by circumstance the night was very quiet and very still with a still heat settling awkwardly as if long stilt legs folded unsuccessfully beneath a lumbered angly body after a long night or a series of long nights has left one wobbly

perhaps the purpose of leaves is to perceive movement

perhaps the tiny unraveling corners of the body subject to whim and weather reminders constant dry as a photo never developed thus imagined, relied-upon, trusted mistakenly for lack of a more accurate entry in the registry an attempt at philosophy past containment by way of not fitting in the box

polite conversation will be enjoyed by all and then as if one thing merely follows from the previous instance we will follow the unclogged freeway home to our patch of dirt in the metropolis

© 2003 by the respective poets